Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 3, 2015

DB30-60FO-S000_Schmersal Vietnam_STC Vietnam

Schmersal VietnamDB30-60FO-S000
Correct:  DB30-60F0-S000
0.7 kg / pc
Kittiwake VietnamDA10-60F0-0000
0.5 kg / pc
Jenco VietnamArt no.: 101172882
Code: BN 20-10Z-M16
Jenco VietnamCode: FG-K3-211-KW
P+F Vietnammodel 6313
pH/ORP controller
ESA Vietnammodel IR-500-8
ORP electrode
ESA VietnamCode: NBB8-18GM50-E2-3G-3D
Helmut Fischer VietnamCode: VT155W000DP
Emerson VietnamSoftware:
The kit contains the following items:            
CVUSB11102        Programming Cable PC USB-A/IT USB-B
CVADUSBB9M      USB-B / 9 poles male Adapter
CVAD9F25M         9 poles female / 25 poles male Adapter
Krom Schroder Vietnam(Item: PROBE FTA3.3H
Code: 604-142)
probe / Sonde
weight: 0,2kg/pc
Endress + Hauser Vietnam(PS3-W6S; PN:0715990 )
LED-operating unit
weight: 0,16 kg/pc
ETEK changsing Vietnam(DG10B-3)
Gas pressure switch / Gas-Druckwächter
weight: approx 4,2 kg/pc
ETEK changsing VietnamCode: CLD134-XMV530AA1
Sanyodenki VietnamModel: ES50-2-L-B1 (2000 P/R)
Fololo VietnamModel: ES50-2-L-B1 (2000 P/R)
Meanwell VietnamModel P50B07040HXS00
Net : 2.1Kg/pcs
Burkert Vietnam**Please note this part may discontinue in near future and lead time is too long 3 months. So we recommend that customer should buy more large Q'ty to keep stock. Please help to negotiate with customer. This motor can be sold only as a maintenance.**
Jiangyin Jiangling  VietnamNew model: LTJ31-5000/5-LN
Model: LT-J-50B-5000A
Fujifilm  VietnamCode: DR-75-24
IFM Vietnam(3124048 )
valve suppressor form A - 18mm
varistor and LED, 24VAC/DC/50VA/W
IFM VietnamVibration sensor
Mect VietnamUltra Super Low, LLLW (0.2-0.6 mpa),
270mm x5m, 2 rolls/box
P+F VietnamPN5002
weight: 0,3 kg/pc
P+F VietnamEVC005
weight: 0,18 kg/pc
P+F VietnamCode: MPA1522ZP6VPT
Anybus VietnamKFD2-STC4-Ex2)
No. 229332
(old Art-no: 132952)
2 channel, 4...20mA, 24 VDC
Sanyodenki Vietnam(KFD0-SD2-Ex2.1245)
No. 242033
Sanyodenki Vietnam(KFD2-CD-EX1.32)
No. 104204
Turk VietnamItem: X-gateway Modbus-TCP client/master
Model: AB9005
P+F VietnamCode: QS1A01AA
Net : 0.916 Kg/pcs

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